Dear Rafael,

do you know if your protein interacts with another protein? This could be 
critical. I have been studying proteins that require a protein partner to be 
expressed as soluble protein. 
Co-expressing both proteins in E. coli shifts the expression from insoluble to 

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,



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> Le 13 mars 2025 à 18:14, Rafael Marques <> a écrit :
> Hi Dave, 
> I should have mentioned that, but yes, I tried 16 degrees overnight and even 
> up to 40 hours. The expression level is great, majority is in the pellet 
> though and the elution fraction is far from desirable for my kinetic assays. 
> Best wishes 
> ______________________________________________________
> Rafael Marques da Silva
> PhD Student – Structural Biology
> University of Leicester
> Mestre em Física Biomolecular
> Universidade de São Paulo
> Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas
> Universidade Federal de São Carlos
> phone: +44 07861 273773 
>            "A sorte acompanha uma mente bem treinada"
> On 11 Mar 2025 13:16, David Briggs <> wrote:
> Hi Rafael, 
> I have you tried reducing the temperature post-induction?
> You can grow the cells to OD600 <whatever>, reduce the temperature (I have 
> gone as low as 16ºC), add IPTG and harvest the cells the following morning. 
> The reduction in temperature can slow down the rate of protein production 
> allowing the nascent polypeptide chain more time to fold correctly. 
> (At least this is how I rationalise the observed increased in folded soluble 
> protein in my head)
> I would certainly play with the temperature before going down the refolding 
> route. 
> Good luck,
> Dave
> --
> Dr David C. Briggs CSci MRSB (he/him)
> Principal Laboratory Research Scientist
> Signalling and Structural Biology Lab
> The Francis Crick Institute
> London, UK
> Working hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1700
> ==
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> "Would it not be better if one could really 'see' whether molecules...were 
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> – Dorothy Hodgkin
> From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Rafael Marques 
> <>
> Sent: 11 March 2025 11:18
> Subject: [ccp4bb] [OFF-Topic] GST-tagged protein refold protocol
> External Sender: Use caution.
> Hello folks, 
> I have been trying to purify a GST-tagged protein for a while but the results 
> are far below the expected. The majority of my sample is in the pellet 
> fraction and the yield of my expression is very good. This is known because 
> the protein was identified both by Mass Spectrometry and Western-blot. I 
> believe my protein is laying inside inclusion bodies. I have tried to 
> diminish the IPTG concentration, express it for a shorter time and also 
> different E.coli strains but the results are still the same. As a last 
> resort, I was thinking about refolding. I found this paper (attached), from 
> 2004, but I was wondering if someone who has experience regarding protein 
> refolding could shed some light on this topic, principally if there are more 
> updated protocols. 
> Best wishes
> P.S. His-tag did not improve my results too
> ______________________________________________________
> Rafael Marques da Silva
> PhD Student – Structural Biology
> University of Leicester
> Mestre em Física Biomolecular
> Universidade de São Paulo
> Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas
> Universidade Federal de São Carlos
> phone: +44 07861 273773 
>            "A sorte acompanha uma mente bem treinada"
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