Hello friends,

For those of us who have lived in the USSR these developments should feel
quite familiar. I've often joked that the US is edging ever closer to how
the USSR used to be, but I think we've actually crossed this line now and
it's not funny anymore.

We can anticipate future developments like this: the emergence of Komissar
functions in institutions of higher learning (ideological purity review and
enforcement committees). These functions will emerge naturally (or
'organically' if you prefer) as institutions struggle with, and eventually
adapt to, the new language purity requirements. At first, Komissariat will
be viewed as helpful in making things easier for grant writers etc. but at
the end of the process the Komissars will hold equal or greater 'rank' to
that of the Dean or Provost, and will hold significant sway over the
decisions of a Chancellor or President (of a University or an equivalent
institution). Once these functions emerge and entrench within institutions
funded by the public, the 'need' for them will become clear to privately
funded organizations, companies, etc.

Again, this may sound funny, but I am not laughing.



- Cosmic Cats approve of this message

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 7:00 PM Herbert J. Bernstein <yaya...@gmail.com>

> Dear Colleagues,
>   When I got home today, Frances presented me with an article from the
> NY Times which contained the attached list of words and the explanation,
>  "As President Trump seeks to purge the federal government of "woke"
> initiatives, agencies have flagged hundreds of words to limit or avoid,
> according to a compilation of government documents."
>   For this audience in particular, please note that "Mx", "polarization",
> "orientation", "status", "systemic". "discrimination", "equality",
> "expression", "barriers", and  "bias" are among the words to avoid.  Care
> should be
> taken in writing proposals and reports since AIs may be used for screening
> and they are' likely to miss explanatory context.
>   Regard,
>      Herbert
> ------------------------------
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