I went very old school (as in 1970s—1980s) and use side by side either with 
mirror glasses that I put on my face or indeed by making a double mirror system 
like we had at Yale with the ps2. Rather than having a finely machined device 
with anodised black aluminium and glass mirrors, I used cardboard and Mylar. It 
also works :)

Sent from my iPhone

On 27 Feb 2025, at 10:49, Pedro Matias <mat...@itqb.unl.pt> wrote:

Hi Wulf,

We never got our NVIDIA 3D to work with Windows 10, only with Windows 7. The 
Windows advantage is that the graphics cards are much cheaper than those for 

I believe there is a NVIDIA 3D Vision standalone driver that may work in 
Windows 11.

Alternatively, my suggestion would be to use a PC disconnected from the 
internal institute network and keep running Windows 10 on it. File transfer 
would be a bit of an hassle but workable.

Good luck & best regards,


On 27/02/2025 07:05, Blankenfeldt, Wulf wrote:
Dear all,

I have just been shocked by our IT department’s announcement that they will 
force us into migration to Win11 very soon. I know I am a dinosaur, but I still 
use and love my old nvidia Quadro/Asus/shutter glasses combi (over 10 years 
old) for hardware stereo viewing of protein structures under Win10. I am afraid 
that this will simply not work anymore once I have been upgraded, since nvdia 
has disabled hardware stereo in its drivers long time ago.

Personally, I cannot understand how modern structural biology can live without 
it and I would love to still be able view structures in “real” 3D.

I know that the ccp4 community is graphics- and tech-savvy, I am therefore 
asking if you know of any modern day and established/sustainable hardware 
solution for 3D viewing in our favorite programs (Coot, PyMol, …).

Thank you in advance for your advice,


Prof. Wulf Blankenfeldt
Struktur und Funktion der Proteine (SFPR)

HZI - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH

SCIENCE CAMPUS Braunschweig-Süd
Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig
Tel. +49 5316181-7000



Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH | Inhoffenstraße 7 | 38124 
Braunschweig | www.helmholtz-hzi.de<http://www.helmholtz-hzi.de>

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