Dear all,

This is a kind reminder for the fast-approaching deadline (31st January) for applications for the FEBS workshop ‘Time-resolved spectroscopy meets time-resolved crystallography. The future of dynamic photobiology.’ ( scheduled to take place from May 6-8 2025 in the beautiful city of Pécs in Hungary. Following the first virtual EMBO workshop (, this in-person FEBS workshop aims to bridge the two different disciplines of Biophysics and Dynamic Structural Biology, covering time-resolved spectroscopic (optical and vibrational spectroscopy) and X-ray techniques (crystallography and scattering at synchrotrons and XFELs).  The synergy of the experimental techniques will be complemented by computational approaches. Particular attention will be given to fostering collaborations between experts from these different areas and to the training of young researchers (We will accept up to 68 young scientists). To that end the lectures will have a strong educational element including training sessions with hands-on experience in the analysis of time-resolved spectroscopic and crystallographic data.

The following speakers will cover topics in both disciplines:

Magnus Andersson (Sweden), Prokopis Andrikopoulos (Czech Republic), Kenichi Ataka (Germany), Pascale Changenet-Barret (France), Elke De Zitter (France), Tatiana Domratcheva (Russia), Agathe Espagne (France), Petra Fromme (USA), Derren Heyes (UK), Karsten Heyne (Germany), Jochen Hub (Germany), Petar Lambrev (Hungary), Thomas J. Lane (Germany), Nicoletta Liguori (Spain), Ulrich Lorenz (Switzerland), Przemyslaw Nogly (Poland),Cristiano Viappiani (Italy), Junko Yano (USA), Briony Yorke (UK)

Application deadlines

Expression of Interest and Abstract/CV/motivation letter submission: 31th January 2025
Travel Grant Applications (Young Scientists): 31th January 2025
Notification for Travel Grant Applications (Young Scientists): 15st February 2025
Notification for Acceptance: 15th February 2025
Payment of registration fee deadline: 15st March 2025

A limited number of Youth Travel Grants is available for members of the FEBS, AFC and SFPb societies.Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you require more information.

We look forward to seeing you in Pécs next May.

Best wishes,

The Organisers,

Sofia M. Kapetanaki (University of Pécs, Hungary)
András Lukács (University of Pécs, Hungary)
Giorgio Schirò (Institut de Biologie Structurale, France)
Sofia Jaho (Diamond Light Source, UK)


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