Dear Colleagues,

The deadline for paper submission for Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M2025) 
meeting that will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah July 27-31, 2025 is Friday, 
February 14 2025,11:59 PM US PST. Here is the link for the submission website:
and useful information for authors and presenters:
We want to bring to your attention a few Biological Sciences Symposia that may 
interest you at the upcoming meeting.

B01 - 3D Structures: from Macromolecular Assemblies to Whole Cells (3DEM FIG)
Our understanding of the 3D structure and functional subtleties of complex 
biological systems has skyrocketed due to recent advances in EM imaging 
technology and hybrid methodologies. This symposium will highlight structural 
studies of macromolecules, microorganisms, cells, and tissues using 
state-of-the-art high-resolution techniques. These techniques include single 
particle cryo-EM, cryo-electron tomography, helical reconstruction, STEM; AFM, 
X-ray crystallography, and molecular modeling. Biological topics of interest 
include cellular architecture, metabolism, trafficking, communication, and 
division; gene regulation, transcription, and translation; host-pathogen 
interactions and virus structure; in situ studies using TEM and SEM, and all 
aspects of structure-function studies of biological assemblies.
Organizers: Teresa Ruiz, Melanie Ohi, Cheri Hampton, Claudia López, Edward Eng

B03 - Application of Microscopy Techniques for Research and Diagnosis of 
Diseases in Humans, Plants and Animals
Organizers: Emily Benson, Mike Reichelt, Claudia López, Marcela Redigolo

B04 - Emerging Advances in Light Microscopy of Fixed and Live Samples Below the 
Diffraction Limit
Organizers: Rengasayee Veeraraghavan, Jay Potts

B06 - Microscopy in Cell and Molecular Biology across the Americas (CIASEM)
Organizers: Luis Jimenez-Garcia, Francisco Capani, James Evans

B07 - Cryo-electron Tomography: Progress and Potential
Organizers: Danielle Grotjahn, Grant Jensen, Ben Barad

B08 - Advances in cryo-EM technology
Organizers: Anchi Cheng, Alberto Bartesaghi, Tim Grant

There are also interesting short courses on Sunday before the meeting and 
tutorials during the meeting, check it all out here: 
This meeting is a great educational and networking event for the entire 
microscopy community. For more information go to:<;!!Mih3wA!E_1x7BOg3wXOF0ShrvkU63T6_z5Z3SFGqHDXoBYnOIj9Q_uu8VsxPekJIPDKz-AKM2Y3yLEXzB-8gcU$>

We look forward to seeing you this summer.

Edward T. Eng, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Manager
New York Structural Biology Center
89 Convent Ave, NY, NY 10027 | (212)939-0660 x344


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