We also recently found out that mtz files are no longer available for download 
from RCSB and structure factor cif files may or may not contain map 
coefficients, depending on the entry.

For this particular entry, 8hbk, the map coefficients are actually contained in 
the 8hbk-sf.cif file.  You may not be able to display the map from cif directly 
in Coot but converting to mtz first works.


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Yong Tang
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 9:38 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] access to the electron density maps of a PDB entry

Dear all, Taking a random PDB entry 8hbk as an example, at one point of time, 
we have access to a phase file called 8hbk_phases. mtz under the download 
section in https: //www. rcsb. org/structure/8hbk However that option doesn't 
seem to be

Dear all,

Taking a random PDB entry 8hbk as an example, at one point of time, we have 
access to a phase file called 8hbk_phases.mtz under the download section in 
 However that option doesn't seem to be available anymore in general.

I do understand PDBe offers electron density maps (8hbk.ccp4 and 8hbk_diff.ccp4 
separately)- is that our go-to nowadays when we would like to inspect the maps 
of any particular PDB entry 

Please help – maybe I have missed something obvious?

Thank you! -yong


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