Thanks Peter. Given there are only 150 residues in my PDB file, it is
doable (if I can't work out a script)!

Kind regards,

On Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 3:16 PM Peter Smyth <> wrote:

> Dear Yahui,
> It is possible to set the B-factor (temperature factor) for all atoms in a
> residue at once using the residue info dialogue in Coot (Measures>Residue
> Info... in Coot 0.9). You would still have to go through residue by
> residue, though.
> For something more automated, you could look into scripting changes using
> command line text editing of the PDB files.
> Cheers,
> Peter Smyth
> Postdoc scientist, SEC Group
> European XFEL
> ------------------------------
> *From: *Hui <>
> *Date: *Monday, 13 January 2025 16:02 CET
> *Subject: *[ccp4bb] replacing B-factor column and color accordingly
> Happy New Year, everyone!
> I am looking for a PDB editing tool to replace the B-factors numbers with
> another column of numbers, then color the structure by pseudo-B-factors in
> ChimeraX. All the atoms of one individual residue will have the same number
> at the B-factor column. I can possibly edit the coordinate manually atom by
> atom, which is not very fun to do. Does anybody know of any programme doing
> this process?
> Thanks a lot!
> Kind regards,
> Yahui
> ------------------------------
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