
You may want to consider where your protein is in relation to the Unit Cell and 
the Asymmetric Unit.  Use the COOT File/Save Symmetry Coordinates/ to choose 
the symmetry molecule that fits the CCP4 map.

Best regards,

Mark Andrew White, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
Manager, SCSB Macromolecular X-ray Laboratory
6.658A Basic Sciences L#35115, UTMB, Galveston, TX

From: Mailing list for users of COOT Crystallographic Software 
<> on behalf of Murpholino Peligro <>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2021 10:26 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Move fem map back to protein?

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If I open the fem.mtz file and choose FEM and PHIFEM for amplitudes and phases 
I get a map (cyan) over my protein. If I open the fem.ccp4 file the map 
(yellow) is not over my protein. I guess I will work with the mtz file.

El vie, 23 de jul. de 2021 a la(s) 09:50, Murpholino Peligro 
(<>) escribió:
Dear all..

How do I move a fem map back to the protein molecule?
I did
`phenix.fem PHASER.1-coot-1_refine_001.pdb PHASER.1-coot-0_refine_data.mtz`
to generate the fem map, but when I open with coot
`coot PHASER.1-coot-1_refine_001.mtz PHASER.1-coot-1_refine_001.pdb`
and then file->open map->fem.cpp4...
the fem map does not cover the protein (as shown in .png attached)
I am not sure if this is phenix (a missing option?) or coot related ...



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