Dear Luca,

I think all of those orientations are symmetry-related copies of the same 
orientation.  This would imply that there is tNCS, but it doesn’t look like 
Phaser is applying tNCS.  The second and fourth molecules are in the same 
orientation, but differing by 1/6 of the a-axis cell translation.  Is there a 
large off-origin native Patterson peak, perhaps at 1/6,0,0?

Also, when there is tNCS it can be difficult to disentangle crystallographic 
and non-crystallographic symmetry.  Did you try all the space groups in the 
same point group?

Marc makes a good point about the number of copies.  The Matthews volume only 
gives you a rough estimate of the true number of copies, and the signal in 
placing the fourth molecule is very unconvincing compared to the first three.

Best wishes,

Randy Read

> On 6 Jan 2021, at 07:38, Luca Mazzei <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am struggling with the MR of a homo-dimer using Phaser. Matt_coeff strongly 
> suggests the presence of 4 mol per asym unit (space group P6222). The results 
> after a search of 4 mol per asymmetric unit of my monomer are the following:
> ** SINGLE solution
> ** Solution written to SOL file:  phaser_3f6v_A1_MOLREP.sol
> ** Solution written to PDB file:  phaser_3f6v_A1_MOLREP.1.pdb
> ** Solution written to MTZ file:  phaser_3f6v_A1_MOLREP.1.mtz
>    Solution annotation (history):
>    SOLU SET  RFZ=3.9 TFZ=8.5 PAK=3 LLG=65 TFZ==10.0 RFZ=2.6 TFZ=17.0 PAK=3 
> LLG=326 TFZ==29.8 (& TFZ==22.5 & TFZ==19.7)
>     LLG+=(326 & 529 & 593) LLG=795 TFZ==5.4 PAK=5 LLG=795 TFZ==5.4 PAK=5 
> LLG=795 TFZ==5.4
>    SOLU SPAC P 62 2 2
>    SOLU 6DIM ENSE autoMR EULER  125.3   60.8  300.2 FRAC  0.17 -0.13  0.08 
> BFAC -9.34 #TFZ==10.0
>    SOLU 6DIM ENSE autoMR EULER  305.4   60.8  300.2 FRAC  0.27 -0.16  0.08 
> BFAC -5.29 #TFZ==29.8
>    SOLU 6DIM ENSE autoMR EULER  294.7  119.1  120.3 FRAC  0.45  0.01  0.26 
> BFAC  0.34 #TFZ==22.5
>    SOLU 6DIM ENSE autoMR EULER  305.5   61.6  300.1 FRAC  0.11 -0.16  0.08 
> BFAC 29.19 #TFZ==5.4
>    SOLU ENSEMBLE autoMR VRMS DELTA -0.2463 #RMSD  0.93 #VRMS  0.79
> It seems (also looking at the maps) that it correctly places three monomers 
> out of four. How can I use this information to improve the search of the 
> fourth monomer using the same template model?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Best regards
> Luca Mazzei
> Luca Mazzei - PhD
> Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry
> Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT)
> Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
> Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40 - 40127, Bologna - Italy
> Tel: +39 0512096235
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Randy J. Read
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research     Tel: +44 1223 336500
The Keith Peters Building                               Fax: +44 1223 336827
Hills Road                                                       E-mail:
Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.                     


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