Dear All,

Please feel free to share this email with anyone who might be interested... The 
first post in particular might be of interest to structural biologists with a 
strong computing background who are interested into moving into research 
computing as a career...

I hope you have all been keeping safe in this most difficult of years. It is 
especially important this year to make the most of the season and take some 
time out for your nearest and dearest - even if you are still keeping a secret 
eye on things really.

Oxford's Biomedical Research Computing (BMRC), the compute facility of the 
Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics and the Oxford Big Data Institute, has been 
busy with the best of you, but now it is time to expand our team of five ready 
for future challenges... So, if joining a growing team at the heart of some 
truly fantastic research - including lots of world-leading Covid-19 research - 
appeals then read on...

First, we are looking for a Grade 7 Research Computing Administrator to join 
the team based in the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics. The role will be 
mostly directly supporting users in getting their science done and will have a 
particular role supporting the electron microscopy (EM) research of the Centre. 
This role would be an ideal stepping-stone into research computing for someone 
with a strong background in scientific computing, especially in the research 
areas of BMRC, rather than requiring a high level of hardware knowledge at the 
outset - the closing date for this post is Monday 18th January

Second, we are advertising for a Grade 7 Information Governance Officer based 
in the Big Data Institute to help with all aspects of our compliance, but 
especially for our on-premise cloud-based services, so that we can bring new 
areas of research to our platforms. The role will be particularly supporting 
the Novartis-Oxford collaboration in data science and AI and the research of 
the National Consortium of Intelligent Medical Imaging (NCIMI) - the closing 
date for this post is Monday 11th January

Finally, our friends at the neighbouring the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology 
are also looking for a Grade 8 Research Computing Administrator. From Easter 
2021, the Kennedy Institute will join with BMRC to develop further our 
coherent, centrally managed research computing capability. This role with 
jointly report to myself and to Brian Marsden ( 
and will partly be to directly supporting users in getting their science done 
on BMRC facilities and also to be responsible for the hardware that remains in 
the Kennedy Institute - the closing date for this post is Monday 11th January

After the turkey is finished and the presents unwrapped, why not unwrap your CV 
and send it in? Informal questions can be directed to me in the first instance 
or else see the individual job descriptions...

Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for a much better 2021!
Take care all,
Robert Esnouf


Dr Robert Esnouf

University Research Lecturer,
Director of Research Computing BDI,
Head of Research Computing Core WHG,
NDM Research Computing Strategy Officer

Main office:
Room 10/028, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics,
Old Road Campus, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK

Emails: / /

Tel: (+44)-1865-287783 (WHG); (+44)-1865-743689 (BDI)


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