:: which indicates the 6 molecules are far away from each other.
Those are just the symmetry operators for space group P321.  It tells you 
nothing about how far apart the molecules are, although the cell dimensions do 
in fact impose some constraints.

However look at REMARK 350 in the PDB format file, which describes the 
orthogonal space operator to (probably) generate what you had in mind.

Phil Jeffrey

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Smith Lee 
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2020 9:35 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] on space group P 3 2 1

Dear All,

For pdb ID 1g4a, it is of space group P 3 2 1. In the paper for this pdb 
(Crystal Structures of the HslVU Peptidaseā€“ATPase Complex Reveal an 
ATP-Dependent Proteolysis Mechanism), it has been configured to compact hexamer 
from the pdb 1g4a, with the pdb 1g4a can be regarded from a dimer.

For the sapce group P 3 2 1,
the listing of symmetry operators was as following,
      X,     Y,     Z
     -Y,  X -Y,     Z
  -X +Y,    -X,     Z
      Y,     X,    -Z
   X -Y,    -Y,    -Z
     -X, -X +Y,    -Z

which indicates the 6 molecules are far away from each other.

Then by which method, we can get the pdb for the compact hexamer as shown in 
the figure 3 in the paper, from the pdb 1g4a?

I am looking forward to getting your advice.



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