At 25A the only discerning feature between Fabs is probably the elbow angle
and a rigid body fit might be enough to discriminate between those.

Best br

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020, 21:10 Roversi, Pietro (Dr.) <>

> Dear all,
> I am fitting a 25 Å negative stain EM map of a protein in complex with its
> FAb. I have restraints on the protein region the FAb recognises (from
> ELISAs on truncated versions of the protein) but I do not have the sequence
> of the FAb.
> I have a model for the protein and I picked a FAb from the PDB to be a
> representative FAb model which I believe is good enough to fit a 25 Å
> negative stain EM map. By "good enough" I mean: this model would answer the
> question: " Can I fit this map with the protein and a FAb model and would
> the relative FAb:protein arrangement satisfy the known restraints on the
> FAb epitope?"
> A PDB search with "unknown sequence" returns 17 entries:
> What is your experience with depositing into the PDB structures of
> proteins of unknown sequence?
> And as a user, would you accept an entry with a FAb as poly-Ala or Calphas
> only and poly-UNK?
> Thank you for any feedback you'll be able to let me have,
> with best wishes,
> Pietro
> Pietro Roversi
> Lecturer (Teaching and Research)
> LISCB Wellcome Trust ISSF Fellow
> <>
> Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology
> Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Leicester
> Henry Wellcome Building
> Lancaster Road, Leicester, LE1 7HB
> England, United Kingdom
> Skype: roversipietro
> Mobile phone  +44 (0) 7927952047
> Tel. +44 (0)116 2297237
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