Dear all,

I am fitting a 25 Å negative stain EM map of a protein in complex with its FAb. 
I have restraints on the protein region the FAb recognises (from ELISAs on 
truncated versions of the protein) but I do not have the sequence of the FAb.

I have a model for the protein and I picked a FAb from the PDB to be a 
representative FAb model which I believe is good enough to fit a 25 Å negative 
stain EM map. By "good enough" I mean: this model would answer the question: " 
Can I fit this map with the protein and a FAb model and would the relative 
FAb:protein arrangement satisfy the known restraints on the FAb epitope?"

A PDB search with "unknown sequence" returns 17 entries:

What is your experience with depositing into the PDB structures of proteins of 
unknown sequence?

And as a user, would you accept an entry with a FAb as poly-Ala or Calphas only 
and poly-UNK?

Thank you for any feedback you'll be able to let me have,

with best wishes,


Pietro Roversi

Lecturer (Teaching and Research)

LISCB Wellcome Trust ISSF Fellow


Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Leicester
Henry Wellcome Building
Lancaster Road, Leicester, LE1 7HB
England, United Kingdom

Skype: roversipietro
Mobile phone  +44 (0) 7927952047
Tel. +44 (0)116 2297237


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