Dear Francois,

provided you are not restricted to the trademark term 'microED', but
open minded to include '3D electron crystallography', there are plenty
of published structures of small compounds, both organic and inorganic.
Several of them date back to 2005, and include complex structures
like MOFs, (Xiaodong Zou, Stockholm), twinned structures
(Gemmi/Mugnaioli, Pisa), and really good quality work (Parsons/Zou).

Usually, crystals are not "present in powder", they compose the powder,
in particular if you use products at 99.9% purity from Sigma-Aldrich
'off the shelf' is it was put, and such powders are not
amorphous (if you read bioarxiv) or 'simingly amorphous' (if you read
the peer-reviewed version)...

Scotch is not the same as adhesive tape, and pampers is not the same as
diapers (c.f. also Gerard Bricogne's post on this bb, 29th April 2020).


 On Tue, 2 Jun 2020 10:52:45 +0200
hoh <> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Pr Tamir gonen (UCLA, los Angeles) have solved (not published) few 
> chemical compounds structures with mircoED. And, the more important
> is that crystals were present in the powder (whatever condtions to
> get it (preciptation, evaporation ..). I have myself test with 2
> powders coming from Chemists, here in Montpellier, and there were
> bunch of nano crystals in both powders, and both diffract at 0.6 A.
> And, as the wavelenght in microED in very short  , Xds or Dials (with
> some specifics parameters) are working well. And ,finally, you need
> only  around 0.01ug of product to put on the grid (without blotting,
> in dry method) with result almost warranty
> So, think about microED for small molecules..
> FH
> ________________________________________
> François Hoh
> Centre de Biochimie Structurale,
> UMR 5048 CNRS, UMR 1054 INSERM
> 29, rue de navacelles
> 34090 Montpellier Cedex, France.
> Phone: +33 467 417 706
> Fax:   +33 467 417 913
> ________________________________________

Tim Gruene
Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-70202



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