*Mail-in protein-to-structure services at EMBL Grenoble HTX Lab to
support research on COVID-19.*
The High throughput Crystallization Facility at EMBL Grenoble (HTX Lab)
provides access to a fully automated protein-to-structure pipeline based
on the CrystalDirect technology and the CRIMS software. This pipeline
starts with mail-in samples and integrates crystallization screening,
crystal optimization and automated harvesting in a continuous and fully
automated workflow that can be operated by any scientist from a desktop
computer with connection to the internet. The CRIMS software is able to
communicate with the ESRF and Petra III synchrotrons to support
automated and remote X-ray data collection and provides real-time access
to experimental results and parameters. These capabilities are uniquely
suited to support structural biology projects in conditions of
confinement. The HTX lab is accepting projects on COVID-19 related
research starting April 16th.
The HTX Lab also provides access to dedicated pipelines for the rapid
analysis of protein-small molecule interactions as well as for large
scale fragment screening to support development of inhibitors and
chemical tools. This includes access to two fragment libraries (1200 and
700 fragments respectively) and automated data processing for hit
If you want to benefit from access to the HTX lab for COVID-19 research,
please send an e-mail to h...@embl.fr indicating the project goals and a
description of the samples you would be shipping.
Best regards
Jose A. Marquez
Jose A. Marquez Ph.D.
Team Leader, Head of the Crystallization Facility
EMBL Grenoble
Postal address: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
71, Avenue des Martyrs
CS 90181 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Delivery address: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
71, Avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble, France
Phone +33 (0)476 20 74 25
Fax. +33 (0)476 20 71 99
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