Hi George,
The following commands use to work for me.
# on computer terminal
gzip ~/Desktop/pore_loops/myProt.mrc
# compress .mrc file into .gz file; it will generate a file named

load  the pdb into PyMOL
# on PyMOL terminal
hide all
show cartoon
set cartoon_oval_length, 1
# make helices slimmer

load ~/Desktop/pore_loops/myProt.mrc.gz, vvv_map, format=ccp4
isomesh vvv_mesh, vvv_map, 0.1
color blue, vvv_mesh

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:02 PM George Lountos <gt29...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I wanted to ask if anyone has a good reference or tutorial link for
> displaying  and working with cryo-EM map files in pymol.
> Thanks,
> George
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Steve Chou


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