Dear CCP4 scientists,

This is a joint collaborative project between Israel and the University of 
Hamburg on the "mechanisms governing virulence and antibacterial properties of 
protein fibrils in infectious and aggregation disease"s.

The research methods include single particle cryoEM reconstruction, correlative 
light and electron microscopy, artificial membrane systems (supported lipid 
bilayers, liposomes), and live cell microscopy to study toxicity mechanisms of 
fibrils on bacteria and mammalian cells and within microbial biofilms.

Project leaders are Associate Prof. Meytal Landau, Technion-Israel Institute of 
Technology; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kay Grünewald, Heinrich-Pette-Institute, 
Leibniz Institute of Experimental Virology and Universität Hamburg, Fakultät 
für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften (MIN) and Centre for 
Structural Systems Biology (CSSB), DESY, Hamburg; Dr. Carolin Seuring, Head of 
the CryoEM Multi-User Facility, CSSB; Dr. Roland Thünauer, Head of the Advanced 
Light and Fluorescence Microscopy Facility, CSSB.

The research will be conducted at the CSSB on the Bahrenfeld Research Campus, 
Hamburg, Germany, also the home of the German synchrotron DESY, with occasional 
visits to Israel. CSSB harbors state-of-the-art multi-user facilities for 
protein production and characterization, high-throughput crystallization, 
advanced light microscopy and electron microscopy.

For more information:


  *   PhD in the field of structural biology, biophysics, or related fields

  *   Fluent in English (both written and oral)
  *   Experience in protein science and structural biology
  *   Desirable experience in cryo-EM and/or light microscopy
  *   The ability to work independently and as part of a team
  *   A high level of motivation
  *   Self-driven and organized

The position commences as soon as possible and is a fixed-term contract for a 
period of 2 years.

For applications (by 1/4/2020) and further information, please contact Prof. 
Meytal Landau (<>) and Prof. 
Dr. rer. nat. Kay Grünewald 

For further information on the Multi-User CryoEM and ALFM -facilities, please 
visit our website<>.


Meytal on behalf of the collaborative team


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