Dear all,
Prof. Vinit Mahajan’s group in Department of Ophthalmology, Stanford
School of Medicine is seeking applications for a postdoctoral fellow
position from ambitious, enthusiastic, and recent Ph.D. holders or
graduate students who are expecting to finish his/her graduate degree in
structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry, bioengineering, molecular
cell biology, or pharmaceutics. The successful candidate will be a
structural biologist with strong interests in biomedical, translational,
and pharmaceutical sciences, who can carry out one or few structural
biology projects for eye disease proteins. Dr. Mahajan is a
physician/surgeon, and a scientist, who is the vice chair for research
and the director of Molecular Surgery Program of the Stanford’s Byers
Eye Institute. He runs a large interdisciplinary group of scientists and
clinicians, who are actively seeking for therapeutics and cure for eye
patients (
Mahajan group is pursuing structural biology research focused on eye
diseases in a close collaboration with Prof. Soichi Wakatsuki,
Structural Biology Department, Stanford School of Medicine and SLAC
National Accelerator Laboratory
( Dr. Wakatsuki’s interests
cover protein-protein interactions (Comerci & Herrmann et al. Nat. Comm.
2019; Herrmann et al. PNAS 2019), enzyme dynamics (Stoffel et al. PNAS
2019), and structure-based drug design (Hwang et. al., Nat. Comm. 2018).
Both Drs. Mahajan and Wakatsuki are members of Stanford BioX and ChEM-H,
interdisciplinary institutes encompassing three Stanford Schools:
Medicine, Chemistry, and Engineering. This provides a truly
interdisciplinary research environment at the crossroad of medical
science, structural biology and state-of-the art bioimaging
technologies. The two groups collaborate closely on structural biology
research on eye disease proteins. See one of our recent publications on
the structure-function investigation of a cysteine protease: Calpain-5
(Velez et al. Cell Reports 2020). Other ophthalmologic structural
biology work includes: 1) targeted structure-functionomics for eye
diseases; and 2) structure-based drug design for retinal degeneration.
SLAC provides state-of-the-art multi-modal structural biology
technologies covering a wide range of spatiotemporal resolutions. SLAC
hosts large scale infrastructures: SSRL Structural Molecular Biology
(SMB), and Linac Coherent Light Source (LC/LS) providing synchrotron and
X-ray beams for crystallography, scattering and spectroscopy, and
Stanford-SLAC CryoEM Center (S2C2) providing access to the cryoelectron
microscopy (Cryo-EM) instruments for both single particle structural
analysis and tomography (CryoET).
_*Qualifications:*_ Ph.D. or equivalent degree in the relevant fields
within the last 3 years. English proficiency is mandatory. Familiarity
with one or more of structural biology techniques, including X-ray
crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, cryoEM/ET,
biocomputation, and hybrid methods, as well as strong background and
experiences in sample preparation and characterization. The applicant
must be a good team player. Experiences in scientific writing and grant
application to US funding agencies are plus.
*_Deadline:_* as soon as the position is filled.
*_Contacts: _* Prof. Vinit Mahajan (
Prof. Soichi Wakatsuki (
See the following websites for more information:
With best wishes
Vinit Mahajan and Soichi Wakatsuki
Soichi Wakatsuki, Ph.D.
Professor of Photon Science
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69
Menlo Park, CA 94025-7015
Tel: 1-650-926-4147, Fax:1-650-926-4100
Professor of Structural Biology
School of Medicine
Stanford University
James H. Clark Center W250A
318 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5014
Tel: 1-650-723-8404
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