I fully agree with this!
Best, Herman

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> Im Auftrag von Phoebe A. Rice
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Februar 2020 17:03
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] Re: [ccp4bb] What resolution - X-ray diffraction round this 

EXTERNAL : Real sender is  owner-ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk   

Can we get some momentum for the "standard table 1" including TWO numbers - 
outer limit used in refinement, and nominal resolution based on some standard 
such as I/sigI =2 (or 3, or whatever the community can agree on)?  That would 
hopefully cut down on all the reviewer complaints of overstated resolution.


Phoebe A. Rice

Dept. of Biochem & Mol. Biol. and

  Committee on Microbiology



On 2/28/20, 6:56 AM, "CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Malý Martin" 
<CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK on behalf of martin.m...@ibt.cas.cz> wrote:

    Dear colleagues,


    I agree with all the previous responses, it is a pity to throw away

    useful high-resolution data. The problem of high-resolution cutoff

    estimation is also nicely summarized in another paper by Andrew Karplus

    and Kay Diederichs "Assessing and maximizing data quality in

    macromolecular crystallography"

 . It is suggested

    using CC1/2 for the selection of the cutoff for data processing (not

    I/sigI or R_whatever). Later on, the decision should be validated

    performing the paired refinement protocol.


    Good luck with the argumentation.




    On 2/28/20 11:08 AM, LMB wrote:

    > Ask the referee - (apart from the other suggestions here)


    > ‘How would removing data Improve my model?”


    > Sent from my iPad


    >> On 28 Feb 2020, at 08:22, dusan turk <dusan.t...@ijs.si> wrote:


    >> Hi,


    >> Browsing through the recent discussion on EM data resolution cutoff

    >> it occurred to me that the X-ray diffraction community isn’t that

    >> unanimous either.


    >> My stand:


    >> When the default resolution cutoff provided with the data processing

    >> software in electron density map calculation and refinement delivers

    >> quality maps noisier than expected and/or too high R-factors I start

    >> adjusting the resolution cutoff by lowering the resolution and trying

    >> alternative space group. Hence, I allow the data processing programs

    >> to suggest where to draw the line (be it CC1/2, I/sigI, R merge, R

    >> sym, R p.i.m. and R r.i.m, …) , unless there are problems.


    >> Doing so, I came into a dispute with a referee who shaped his request:


    >> "It is well accepted that the criteria for resolution cutoff should

    >> consider both I/SigI and Rmerge for the outer most shell. For data

    >> sets collected at synchrotron sources, the criteria of I/SigI > 5 and

    >> Rmerge <50% can be taken as a good practical reference.”


    >> So where do we stand? Which are the most objective criteria for

    >> resolution cutoff to be used in diffraction data processing? Which

    >> number of shells to use when calculating the statistics? Do we have a

    >> consensus?


    >> best wishes,


    >> dusan turk




    >> Dr. Dusan Turk, Prof.

    >> Head of Structural Biology Group 

    >> Head of Centre for Protein and Structure Production

    >> Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and

    >> Biology of Proteins, Scientific Director


    >> e-mail: dusan.t...@ijs.si

    >> phone: +386 1 477 3857 Dept. of Biochem.& Mol.& Struct. Biology

    >> fax: +386 1 477 3984 Jozef Stefan Institute

    >> Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana,Slovenia

    >> Skype: dusan.turk (voice over internet: 


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