Tell the editor to find a new reviewer.  And cite Kay's paper, the one 
Graeme linked to.

On 28/02/2020 08:22, dusan turk wrote:
> Hi,
> Browsing through the recent discussion on EM data resolution cutoff it 
> occurred to me that the X-ray diffraction community isn’t that unanimous 
> either.
> My stand:
> When the default resolution cutoff provided with the data processing software 
> in electron density map calculation and refinement delivers quality maps 
> noisier than expected and/or too high R-factors I start adjusting the 
> resolution cutoff by lowering the resolution and trying alternative space 
> group.   Hence, I allow the data processing programs to suggest where to draw 
> the line (be it CC1/2, I/sigI, R merge, R sym, R p.i.m. and R r.i.m, …) , 
> unless there are problems.
> Doing so, I came into a dispute with a referee who shaped his request:
> "It is well accepted that the criteria for resolution cutoff should consider 
> both I/SigI and Rmerge for the outer most shell. For data sets collected at 
> synchrotron sources, the criteria of I/SigI > 5 and Rmerge <50% can be taken 
> as a good practical reference.”
> So where do we stand? Which are the most objective criteria for resolution 
> cutoff to be used in diffraction data processing? Which number of shells to 
> use when calculating the statistics? Do we have a consensus?
> best wishes,
> dusan turk
> Dr. Dusan Turk, Prof.
> Head of Structural Biology Group
> Head of Centre for Protein  and Structure Production
> Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of 
> Proteins, Scientific Director
> e-mail:
> phone: +386 1 477 3857       Dept. of Biochem.& Mol.& Struct. Biology
> fax:      +386 1 477 3984       Jozef Stefan Institute
>                              Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana,Slovenia
> Skype: dusan.turk (voice over internet:
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