Dear all,

As this discussion is receiving so much deserving attention, I should say that 
being an organiser of crystallography events in the past and in the future, we 
always strive to *intentionally* achieve a good gender balance of speakers. 
Sometimes we did even well, albeit often not well enough.

I also admit that this is not the case in our CSHL Macromolecular 
Crystallography, , 
where we have much less women than we would like to as lecturers (while for 
students we typically have more than 50% women).

As I am embarrassed to admit that we might have missed brilliant female 
teachers in the past, If there are any female volunteers for teaching specific 
subjects during the CSHL course, I would really appreciate an Inbox message for 
what you would like to teach, so we can discuss these with the co-organisers 
(at least there now we are super-happy to have Janet after 30 years of male 

Thanks in advance,


> El 4 feb. 2020, a la(s) 22:02, Edward Snell
> <<><>>
>  escribió:

> ​It is great that this workshop is occurring but I couldn't help but notice
> that there seem to be a lot of male speakers and tutors. I was wondering if
> it might be appropriate to add some female role models. There are some
> great candidates?

> ________________________________
> From: CCP4 bulletin board
>  on behalf of
> Alejandro Buschiazzo 
> <<><>>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 7:30 PM
> To: 
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America
> 2020

> Dear colleagues,
> We are pleased to announce the 8th South American Macromolecular
> Crystallography School:

> Macromolecular Crystallography School 2020
> "Structural Biology to enhance high impact research in health and disease”
> To be held at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay) - September 9-19,
> 2020

> The application deadline is July 9, 2020. For further inquiries :

> Main Topics:
> •       data processing;
> •       phasing and structure determination;
> •       model refinement and validation;
> •       introduction to crystallography + cryo-electron microscopy
> integration

> Confirmed speakers and tutors (so far... a few more will join the crew):
> Alejandro Buschiazzo (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay)
> Paul Emsley (Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC, Cambridge, UK)
> Rafael Junqueira Borges (Instituto de Biociências UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil)
> Ronan Keegan (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK)
> Eugene Krissinel (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK)
> Joāo Muniz (Instituto de Fisica de São Carlos, Brazil)
> Garib Murshudov (Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC, Cambridge, UK)
> Colin Palmer (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP-EM, Didcot, UK)
> James Parkhurst (Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK)
> Randy Read (University of Cambridge, UK)
> Kyle Stevenson (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK)
> Clemens Vonrhein (Global Phasing Ltd, Cambridge, UK)
> Please find the application form and further contact information at
 (this www site will be updated
> regularly, so stay tuned!)
> This Workshop is supported by the Collaborative Computational Project Nº4
> (CCP4, UK) & Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK); the Centro de
> Biologia Estructural del Mercosur (CeBEM); and the Programa Iberoamericano
> de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo (CYTED) through de MICROBES
> consortium.

> Organizers:
> Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
> Kyle Stevenson, DPhil. CCP4, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United
> Kingdom
 Richard Garratt, PhD. Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP,
> Brazil
> Applicants:
> 25 students will be selected, prioritizing advanced PhD, postdocs and young
> researchers. The Course will provide financial support covering
> registration fees, and for the case of those students coming from abroad,
> all local expenses (lodging, per diem and local transportation). Look in
> the www site for details on application procedures.


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