I apologize for the 1st April joke, but I could not resist. And it would not be 
actual in three months. I guess that if the workshop were announced this way, 
nobody would even care.

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 8th South American Macromolecular 
Crystallography School:
Macromolecular Crystallography School 2020
"Structural Biology to enhance high impact research in health and disease”

To be held at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay) - September 9-19, 
The application deadline is July 9, 2020. For further inquiries : 

Preliminary list of speakers:
... and more to be confirmed.

Wake up guys! It is the GDPR time! At least here in Europe. Glad to having no 
religion assigned to the speakers ...
And a bit serious word. At our (technical) university, we previously had total 
dominance of male students and the ratio was about 40:1 or even higher. After 
twenty years, we have very balanced representation. Maybe it is only a matter 
of time and it will be different. One can not change everything immediately.
Best regards,

PS: I hope that nobody is offended.

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Robert Nicholls
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America 

Dear Susan,
For one I'm already committed to 7 workshops this year so far, with more to be 
confirmed. And for sure I'm by no means an anomoly - no doubt others within the 
community would tell a similar tale. The commitment to workshops for the CCP4 
core team and various software deveopers is a burden. It's no secret that 
there's room for expansion in the computational crystallography community, and 
that CCP4 is enthusiastic to support such expansion - please contact CCP4 if 
you are enthusiastic to actively work in this direction.

On 6 Feb 2020, at 01:10, Susan Lea 
<susan....@path.ox.ac.uk<mailto:susan....@path.ox.ac.uk>> wrote:

Dear Tim
I’m already teaching at 3 workshops this year - there are many others who could 
do a better job (and who are also women)
Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Feb 2020, at 12:21, Roversi, Pietro (Dr.) 
<pr...@leicester.ac.uk<mailto:pr...@leicester.ac.uk>> wrote:

Dear all,

my twopenny worth - when Helen Walden and I put together the 2013 CCP4 Weekend 
list of speakers,
we were delighted to end up with a not-so-gender-imbalanced list of speakers,
but we did achieve that balance *intentionally*.

As we attempt to redress a de facto longstanding bias against women in the 
everybody in charge of this kind of decision is expected to *intentionally* 
look for excellent women scientists.

They will find them if they look - and the event will be better because of 
participation of women as well as
male scientists.

with best wishes,


Pietro Roversi
Lecturer (Teaching and Research) https://le.ac.uk/natural-sciences/
LISCB Wellcome Trust ISSF Fellow

Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Leicester
Henry Wellcome Building
Lancaster Road, Leicester, LE1 7HB
England, United Kingdom

Tel. +44 (0)116 2297237

From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Tim Gruene
Sent: Wednesday, 05 February 2020 16:18
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America 

Dear Susan, dear Silvia,

why don't both of you offer to teach as tutors at this CCP4 workshop?

I do not believe that this 'imbalance' has been done intentionally by any of
the people involved.

Both of you should take a step forward, tutor in South America. In case your
offer is rejected, you may start to argue.

Best regards,

On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 1:48:32 PM CET Susan Lea wrote:
> ‘Role’ models are not what are needed - just a better representation of our
> community. This is lazy scheduling and in a community where there have
> always been influential women we should do better - CCP4 has let the whole
> community down by allowing their name to be associated with this.
> we could encourage the speakers to do as many of my colleagues have started
> to do - ask who else is speaking at a meeting and refuse to participate if
> the list does not reflect the community.
> Susan
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 5 Feb 2020, at 07:38, Silvia Onesti 
> <silvia.one...@elettra.eu<mailto:silvia.one...@elettra.eu>> wrote:
>  Maybe CCP4 should explicitely ask for gender balance before sponsoring a
> workshop?

> Silvia
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Silvia Onesti - Head of Structural Biology
> Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
> AREA Science Park, 34149 Basovizza, Trieste ITALY
> Email: 
> silvia.one...@elettra.eu<mailto:silvia.one...@elettra.eu><mailto:silvia.one...@elettra.eu>
> Tel. +39 040 3758451  Mob +39 366 6878001
> http://www.elettra.trieste.it/People/SilviaOnesti
> http://www.elettra.trieste.it/labs/structural-biology
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 5 Feb 2020, at 03:09, Alejandro Buschiazzo
> <ale...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:ale...@pasteur.edu.uy><mailto:ale...@pasteur.edu.uy>>
>  wrote:

> Thank you for your comment, we cannot agree more.
> We are aware of this, and still are in the process of inviting a few more
> speakers.
 We shall  thus bring more  women on board, and achieve a
> balanced group!
> Cheers,
> Alejandro (on behalf of the organizers)
> El 4 feb. 2020, a la(s) 22:02, Edward Snell
> <esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu<mailto:esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu><mailto:esn...@hwi.buffalo.edu>>
>  escribió:

> ​It is great that this workshop is occurring but I couldn't help but notice
> that there seem to be a lot of male speakers and tutors. I was wondering if
> it might be appropriate to add some female role models. There are some
> great candidates?

> ________________________________
> From: CCP4 bulletin board
>  on behalf of
> Alejandro Buschiazzo 
> <ale...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:ale...@pasteur.edu.uy><mailto:ale...@pasteur.edu.uy>>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 7:30 PM
> To: 
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Macromolecular Crystallography workshop in South America
> 2020

> Dear colleagues,
> We are pleased to announce the 8th South American Macromolecular
> Crystallography School:

> Macromolecular Crystallography School 2020
> "Structural Biology to enhance high impact research in health and disease”
> To be held at the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay) - September 9-19,
> 2020

> http://pasteur.uy/novedades/mx2020/
> The application deadline is July 9, 2020. For further inquiries :
> mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy><mailto:mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy>

> Main Topics:
> •       data processing;
> •       phasing and structure determination;
> •       model refinement and validation;
> •       introduction to crystallography + cryo-electron microscopy
> integration

> Confirmed speakers and tutors (so far... a few more will join the crew):
> Alejandro Buschiazzo (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay)
> Paul Emsley (Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC, Cambridge, UK)
> Rafael Junqueira Borges (Instituto de Biociências UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil)
> Ronan Keegan (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK)
> Eugene Krissinel (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK)
> Joāo Muniz (Instituto de Fisica de São Carlos, Brazil)
> Garib Murshudov (Laboratory of Molecular Biology MRC, Cambridge, UK)
> Colin Palmer (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP-EM, Didcot, UK)
> James Parkhurst (Diamond Light Source, Didcot, UK)
> Randy Read (University of Cambridge, UK)
> Kyle Stevenson (STFC Rutherford Appleton Lab - CCP4, Didcot, UK)
> Clemens Vonrhein (Global Phasing Ltd, Cambridge, UK)
> Please find the application form and further contact information at
> http://pasteur.uy/novedades/mx2020/
 (this www site will be updated
> regularly, so stay tuned!)
> This Workshop is supported by the Collaborative Computational Project Nº4
> (CCP4, UK) & Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK); the Centro de
> Biologia Estructural del Mercosur (CeBEM); and the Programa Iberoamericano
> de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo (CYTED) through de MICROBES
> consortium.

> Organizers:
> Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay
> Kyle Stevenson, DPhil. CCP4, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United
> Kingdom
 Richard Garratt, PhD. Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos, USP,
> Brazil
> Applicants:
> 25 students will be selected, prioritizing advanced PhD, postdocs and young
> researchers. The Course will provide financial support covering
> registration fees, and for the case of those students coming from abroad,
> all local expenses (lodging, per diem and local transportation). Look in
> the www site for details on application procedures.

> The application deadline is July 9, 2020.
> Please address further inquiries to:
> mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy<mailto:mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy><mailto:mx2...@pasteur.edu.uy>

> Looking forward to hosting you in Montevideo!
> ________________________________
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Tim Gruene
Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-70202



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