Thanks for you interest. Ok, here are some more details. 

The protein is Cph1 (uniprot Q55168) as a full-length (ca. 80 kDa) 
holophytochrome, produced with a C-terminal His6 tag together with its 
co-factor in E. coli, purified via NiNTA and SEC. It is red/far-red 
photochromic (that is, photoactive) such that, as a 2 component sensory 
histidine autokinase / phosphotransferase, its kinase activity can be switched 
on and off by appropriate light pulses. Thus it is unambiguously functional. It 
is also highly soluble (10 mg/ml is no problem) – but subsequently (over days 
and weeks) it aggregates (irrespective of the photostate) to form a fluffy 

Incidentally, I believe that most SHPK's and indeed most phytochromes have 
aggregation problems like this. 

Beyond urea being a less potent chaotrope than guanidinium/HCl, the different 
chemical actions of the two might give a hint as to what causes the aggregation.




Von: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> Im Auftrag von Artem Evdokimov
Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. Februar 2020 00:46
Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] Urea vs. Guanidinium/HCl


More details would be helpful. Do you know whether your protein is folded and 
active to begin with? Many partially folded proteins behave in a way that 
resembles your experience... Urea is a less potent denaturant mole for mole 
than GuHCl so it is not super surprising that it behaves differently.




On Sat, Feb 1, 2020, 6:22 PM Jon Hughes < 
<> > wrote:

Hello everyone,
We work on a protein that tends to aggregate. The process is slowed but not
stopped by glycerol and NDSB201. Interestingly, whereas guanidinium/HCl
dissolves the aggregate readily, urea just turns it into an amorphous
chewing-gum-like mass. Does that info provide anyone with a clue as to why
the aggregation occurs and maybe suggest how to stop it in a way that would
not thwart crystal formation?


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