Good advice above..
Someting extra - I would look at information about how the molecules might
be arranged.
Is there any non-crystallographic translation? ( One with a coordinate 0f
say z= 0.5 could mean the spacegroup
could be P21212 or P212121 )

Sometimes there is a sub-cell and you can search for fewer sites in that

On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 at 16:28, Mario Tyago Murakami <> wrote:

> Dear Andy, Clemens and Michal
> The solution for orthrombic SG is very clear. P1 indexing results in a
> very similar Unit cell parameters without appreciable deviations in angles
> <0.1degrees.
> It seems more likely the problem pointed by Andy of a lot of sites. I will
> try all the suggestions and hope to come back soon with good news.
> Thanks
> Mario
> Em 18 de jul de 2019 11:44, THOMPSON Andrew <
>> escreveu:
> Dear Mario
> The data seem very good but you are looking for an awful lot of sites.
> Keep trying with SHELX, but there are some keywords that you might use
> which may help (see extract from SHELX doc). This worked for me for a
> couple of structures with > 100 sites. You should also try with and without
> Patterson seeding.  You may need many thousand trials…. I would also start
> with the data cutoff somewhere between 3.5 - 4 A (to get rid of anisotropy)
> . You could also try manually modifying the Emin value to use just your
> strongest signal. Don’t expect the solution to come out easily - you may
> have to try different shelx runs for days before getting a single solution.
> At the same time, you really do need to be absolutely certain of the space
> group ……any tests you can do
> Good luck
> Andy
> For large selenomethionine substructures (which behave more like equal
> atom ab initiostructure solution of small molecules) it may be worth
> increasing the number of Pattersonpeaks used for the Patterson seeding
> (e.g. PATT 200; the default is 100) and adding theinstructions WEED 0.3
> (random omit maps) and SKIP 0.5 (uranium atom removal). Thelatter two are
> the defaults when PLOP is present but are switched off by default if PLOP
> isabsent. When PATS is used, WEED produces a much smaller additional
> improvement in thehit ratio than when PATS is absent. For small
> substructures (<10 sites), WEED and SKIP cando more harm than good by
> eliminating too many correct sites at once.
> *De :* CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] *De la part de*
> Mario Tyago Murakami
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 18 juillet 2019 16:19
> *Objet :* [ccp4bb] Se-SAD phasing
> Dear all,
> I am trying to solve the phases of the following SeMet data, but so far
> unsuccessfully. Suggestions are very welcome. Please see below some details
> about the case.
> The statistics below is from a merged data from  different kappas of the
> same crystal to increase redundancy. We used the fixed energy 12675 eV
> since the fluorescence detector was not working at the used beamline to get
> best energy values for this crystal.
> Xtriage did not indicate any crystallographic pathology, except moderate
> anisotropy.
> The unit cells parameters are 118.72   151.82   167.05  90.000  90.000
> 90.000 (P212121) containing from 8 to 12 molecules in the asymmetric unit.
> The protein has ~28.5 kDa and 10 Met residues, excluding those from the N-
> and C-termini, probably with low occupancy. Thus, something 80 to 120
> scatterers are expected.
> Phenix_anomalous_signal indicates a probability of 99% to solve it and the
> anomalous signal is theoretically in a very good range.
> I have tried SHELXD with different resolutions and number of sites. I have
> also used Hyss. But all attempts failed.
> Thanks in advance
> Mario
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