Dear all,

I am trying to solve the phases of the following SeMet data, but so far 
unsuccessfully. Suggestions are very welcome. Please see below some details 
about the case.

The statistics below is from a merged data from  different kappas of the same 
crystal to increase redundancy. We used the fixed energy 12675 eV since the 
fluorescence detector was not working at the used beamline to get best energy 
values for this crystal.
Xtriage did not indicate any crystallographic pathology, except moderate 
The unit cells parameters are 118.72   151.82   167.05  90.000  90.000  90.000 
(P212121) containing from 8 to 12 molecules in the asymmetric unit. The protein 
has ~28.5 kDa and 10 Met residues, excluding those from the N- and C-termini, 
probably with low occupancy. Thus, something 80 to 120 scatterers are expected.
Phenix_anomalous_signal indicates a probability of 99% to solve it and the 
anomalous signal is theoretically in a very good range.
I have tried SHELXD with different resolutions and number of sites. I have also 
used Hyss. But all attempts failed.

Thanks in advance


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