Dear all,

We have found a huge Fo-Fc density close to cysteine residue (see attached
image) in the structure with resolution of 1.2A. In the crystallization
condition, we have PEG 3350, Potassium phosphate monobasic, glycerol and
protein was in Tris and NaCl. Before freezing the crystals were soaked in
mother liquor containing sodium dithionite.

I have tried different modified cysteine (CSX, CSO, OCS, CME, CSS, SNC, CSD,
CXM, SCH, CSU) from the library and also SO3, SO2 and peroxide. But in all
the screenings we do see some part of Fo-Fc density unaddressed at 3 sigma.

Does anyone have an idea about what this density could be? Covalent


Kind regards,



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