Sergei, all,

I for one would always recommend saving data - not least as this is the basis 
for your science and you may need to revisit it later, perhaps before or after 
publication. Re: (a) I know we’re all working on improving the methods but they 
are still have scope for improvement (b) obviously depends on the local 
policies, and may not be guaranteed…

I know the software we have in DIALS is better than 2 years ago… sure XDS etc 
the same so you could well get better results revisiting old data, for marginal 

Best wishes Graeme

On 13 Jul 2018, at 10:30, Sergei Strelkov 
<<>> wrote:

Dear All,

I believe this question may be of some interest.
In the past, we always stored all raw data ever collected by the lab.
With the recent advances, such as
(a) automated/on-the-fly processing offered by some (European) synchrotrons, and
(b) an ongoing discussion on centralized raw data archiving,
I wonder if it is time to revise the strict policy of keeping all data
(before we invest in a new NAS system... )

Best wishes,

Prof. Sergei V. Strelkov Laboratory for Biocrystallography Department of 
Pharmaceutical Sciences, KU Leuven <>

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