Hi Didier

Sorry about that - my mistake - it's an Eiger 4M detector, so I guess that 
would be MASSIF-3.

Dr Harry Powell
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic 

On 1 Jun 2018, at 13:09, Didier NURIZZO wrote:

> Hi All,
> I doubt it is on MASSIF-1, we still have a Pilatus3 2M, but I guess more on 
> Massif-3 if collected at ESRF. People very often confuse between the two 
> Massif-1 is the fully automatic beamline and Massif-3 is the microfocus.
> Cheers.
> D
> On 01/06/2018 11:03, Harry Powell wrote:
>> Hi
>> Laurent has contacted me off-board about this and sent me an example of a 
>> CBF file extracted from the HDF5.
>> As far as I can see, there is no problem with the CBF file created by 
>> eiger2cbf - it can be processed correctly by iMosflm, and the miniCBF header 
>> is not missing any of the information that Mosflm requires.
>> From this, I think that there's an issue with XDSAPP - so probably something 
>> for Manfred to have a look at!
>> In answer to Kay's questions - 
>> (1) Massif-1
>> (2) That would be my first port of call...
>> (3) not tried yet...
>> (4) the exact error messages start with what Laurent gave originally, i.e.  
>> - 
>>> Some important experimental parameters are missing from the images header
>> which is not so useful, but there is an additional traceback - 
>>> Some important experimental parameters are missing from the images header
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "/mnt/maredsous/programs/bin/xdsit.py", line 4018, in <module>
>>>    manual_process()
>>>  File "/mnt/maredsous/programs/bin/xdsit.py", line 3897, in manual_process
>>>    manual_index()
>>>  File "/mnt/maredsous/programs/bin/xdsit.py", line 3885, in manual_index
>>>    print(params['detector'])
>>> KeyError: ‘detector'
>> Harry
>> --
>> Dr Harry Powell
>> Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic 
>> Computing) 
>> On 1 Jun 2018, at 07:21, Kay Diederichs wrote:
>>> Hi Laurent,
>>> this prompte a couple of questions - 
>>> 1. where did you collect the data?
>>> 2. can this not be answered by the beamline staff? After all they should 
>>> know their detector, and procedures for use of its data.
>>> 3. what are the exact error messages when using the neggia plugin? I guess 
>>> Dectris would care if their plugin cannot read "their" data.
>>> 4. what are the exact error messages / missing items when using eiger2cbf / 
>>> hdf2cbf-mini?
>>> best,
>>> Kay
>>> On Thu, 31 May 2018 14:58:52 +0200, maveyrau <laurent.maveyr...@ipbs.fr> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi CCP4ers
>>>> we recently collected many datasets on dectris detectors producing hd5 
>>>> files. I would like to use some auto processing tools to process them 
>>>> (xdsapp, xdsme…). As far as I can say, xdsapp or xdsme cannot process hd5 
>>>> natively. I tried to convert them to cbf format (eiger2cbf, 
>>>> hdf2mini-cbf,...), but then it seams that the header of the caf files are 
>>>> lacking some required informations…
>>>> Any idea how to convert hd5 files to complete caf files ? Are there any 
>>>> plans for xdsapp to be able to work on hd5 files ?
>>>> thanks for your help
>>>> Laurent
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Laurent Maveyraud         laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
>>>> P I C T   ---  Plateforme Intégrée de Criblage de Toulouse
>>>> Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
>>>> Département     Biologie    Structurale   et   Biophysique
>>>> http://cribligand.ipbs.fr               http://www.ipbs.fr
>>>> 205 route de Narbonne          31077 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE
>>>> Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435           Mob.: +33 (0)646 042 111
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
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