As an alternative option you might consider IcmJS which will run on
Chromebook as well as Windows and Mac. It is a free JavaScript/HTML5 3D
molecular viewer which does not require any plug-in or browser extension
and runs inside any modern web browser.
There is more information about IcmJS here:
You can see an example of IcmJS as a PDB viewer here:
Also, MolSoft's iMolview app ( for
Android can also run on Chromebook.
Andrew Orry Ph.D.
858-625-2000 x108
MolSoft LLC
On 5/23/2018 1:01 PM, Phoebe A. Rice wrote:
One for fellow educators:
For years, I’ve given students pymol-heavy homework assignments.
Today I found out that at least one has a chromebook and can’t install
I gather that these chrome thingies are becoming more and more popular
with students, so I’m wondering if someone out there already come up
with a good solution – either an easy way to install pymol, or an
alternative undergraduate-user-friendly, free macromolecular graphic
program that will work for chromebook users.
Phoebe A. Rice
Dept. of Biochem & Mol. Biol. and
Committee on Microbiology