If the chromebook has a USB port, and if the laptop can be booted using an 
external drive, you could boot the laptop with a Linux operating system and the 
educational version of PyMOL installed on a USB stick.

Or you could just pay the $269/year for the Laboratory & Classroom 
subscription, which would take you less time and hassle.


Diana R. Tomchick
Departments of Biophysics and Biochemistry
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214A
Dallas, TX 75390-8816
(214) 645-6383 (phone)
(214) 645-6353 (fax)

On May 23, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Phoebe A. Rice 
<pr...@uchicago.edu<mailto:pr...@uchicago.edu>> wrote:

One for fellow educators:
For years, I’ve given students pymol-heavy homework assignments.  Today I found 
out that at least one has a chromebook and can’t install Pymol.
I gather that these chrome thingies are becoming more and more popular with 
students, so I’m wondering if someone out there already come up with a good 
solution – either an easy way to install pymol, or an alternative 
undergraduate-user-friendly, free macromolecular graphic program that will work 
for chromebook users.

Phoebe A. Rice
Dept. of Biochem & Mol. Biol. and
  Committee on Microbiology


UT Southwestern

Medical Center

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