Postdoctoral Position: Structural Biology of Host-Pathogen Conflict


There is a post-doctoral position available in the laboratory of John Gross at 
UCSF. The basic science question is how structural adaptation in viral 
suppressors of innate immunity allowed cross-species transmission and the 
origin of modern pandemics such as AIDS. The position is NIH funded for several 
years. Candidates will have expertise in X-ray crystallography and quantitative 
biochemistry of macromolecular complexes.  Experience with eukaryotic protein 
expression systems is desirable.


The Gross lab is part of the HARC center ( 
<>) and the Macromolecular Structure Group 
( <>) at UCSF.  This strong 
collaborative environment will allow the applicant to integrate structural and 
biochemical studies with evolutionary analysis and molecular virology.



Applications materials, including CV and contact information for three 
references should be sent to: <> 



with “post-doc position” written in subject line.


John Gross
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences

UCSF, Mission Bay, Genentech Hall
600 16th Street
S-512E, Box 2280
San Francisco, CA 94143-2280
UPS/FedEx/DHL use zip code 94107
Phone: (415) 514-4402
Fax:      (415) 502-8298

Assistant: Lili Li

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