We are pleased to announce the release of Coot
Source Code: https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/Personal/pemsley/coot/source/releases/coot- Binaries: https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/personal/pemsley/coot/binaries/release/ Release Notes: o FEATURE: Auto-NCS Jumping menu item added to the NCS sub-menu o FEATURE: Tool-tips for residues in Sequence View o FEATURE: Added a function to limit the display radius for models o FEATURE: New button to display only the the last model molecule o FEATURE: Acedrg Link generation GUI (in the CCP4 Module) o FEATURE: "Jiggle-fit Ligand" menu item added to the Ligand menu o FEATURE: GUI to use Refmac to generate structure factors from an EM map (in the Cryo-EM module) o FEATURE: Interactive "Nudge Residue" dialog added to Cryo-EM module o CHANGE: The refinement map is now set before refinement of solutions in ligand fitting [Keith Wilson] o CHANGE: The Mutate Residue Range can now mutate RNA and has a check for numbering consistency [Donna Matzov] o CHANGE: Map density histogram is cached for speedier display of Map Properties dialog for Cryo-EM maps o CHANGE: RCrane removed from the interface (for now) o CHANGE: Carbohydrate fitting weighting scheme improved (should work better for cryo-EM maps) o BUG-FIX: cif-reading in Classic dialogs no longer causes a crash o BUG-FIX: Phosphorus atoms are now orange in Colour by Chain mode o BUG-FIX: Molecule information extraction from Wikipedia made more robust o BUG-FIX: N-terminal Hydrogen atoms now refined correctly o BUG-FIX: Fix crash on Replace Residue with a nucleotide [Elinor Breiner] o BUG-FIX: Fix crash on invalid SMILES input for LIDIA o BUG-FIX: Fix crash on wrong molecule index for some cif data function [JED]