Hi Orru,

           If you have used the normal CCP4 processing pipeline, the data from 
AIMLESS will go into the “uniqueifyy” script that adds all possible reflections 
to the MTZ file (down to the lowest possible resolution for your unit cell 
dimensions), so that might explain why the low resolution limit has changed to 
67Å. In  AIMLESS, it will be the low resolution limit set by the integration 



> On 18 Mar 2018, at 10:46, Orru, Dr. Roberto <ro...@uni-mainz.de> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am noticing that the low resolution in the reflections files after scaling 
> with aimless and after refinement with refmac does not coincide.
> In a case I have 37A with aimless but for some reason refmac is 67A.
> Any idea?
> All the best,
> R.

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