Sent on behalf of Prof. Phil Willmott:

Dear Colleagues

This is to let you know about the very soon upcoming Massive Open Online Course 
(MOOC) from the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), covering 
introductory aspects of synchrotron and XFEL radiation. A link to the course 
can be found at This 
now includes a short 'teaser' video, also viewable at<>,
 which gives an insight about the course contents.

The course is aimed at a broad scientific audience from historical-artefact 
restorators and paleontologists, through biologists, biochemists and chemical 
engineers, to materials scientists and physicists. It includes the following 

1) Interaction of x-rays with matter;
2) The production and physics of synchrotron and XFEL radiation;
3) X-ray optics, beamlines, and instrumentation;
4) X-ray diffraction and scattering;
5) UV and x-ray spectroscopies;
6) X-ray imaging (mainly tomography and lensless imaging/ptychography);
7) Extra week on phasing techniques in macromolecular crystallography.

The course begins next Monday 5th March 2018 and lasts for nine weeks - each 
week, two to three new videos are released (youTube videos embedded in the edX 
player, which can be downloaded and viewed at leisure), each approximately 20 
minutes long, plus optional problems (and optional final exam at the end of the 
course). Enrollment on the course (see above link) is free; a Verified 
Certificate can be purchased at the end for those who so wish and have achieved 
the pass grade.

This is an excellent opportunity, especially for younger staff and students, to 
learn more about the fascinating and interdisciplinary world of synchrotron 
science and all its myriad possibilities in an engaging and exciting manner!

If you could disseminate this to potentially interested parties, I would be 
most grateful.
Warm regards

Phil Willmott

Paul Scherrer Institut
Prof. Phil Willmott
Beamline manager, Materials Science beamline
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Tel: +41 56 310 51 26
Homepage: Materials Science Beamline X04SA<>
Personal homepage: Phil Willmott<>

Out now! An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation: Techniques and Applications 
- Philip 

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