The Department of Biological Science at Florida State University is seeking applications for the position of Facility Manager for the Biological Science Imaging Resource (BSIR). The position is available starting March 1, 2018. We will begin to review applications in January, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. The position entails day-to-day management of the facility, which maintains a Titan Krios, two conventional TEMs, an SEM, confocal and conventional light microscopes and specimen preparation equipment. The facility currently has two additional personnel, one with responsibility for the conventional TEMs and LMs and another with responsibility for the SEM. The flagship instrument of the BSIR is a Titan Krios TEM equipped currently with a DE-64 direct electron detector. In 2018 a Volta Phase plate and a Gatan BioQuantum/K3 will be added to the Titan Krios. In additional to overall management of the facility, the Facility Manager will have primary responsibility for day to day running of the Titan-Krios electron microscope and secondary responsibility for the other equipment, which will be the primary responsibility of the other facility staff.
Minimum qualifications for this job level are a Master’s degree in an appropriate field of specialization or equivalent qualifications based on professional experience and otherwise qualified to perform assigned duties. Strong written and oral communication skills are required. Preferred qualifications are a PhD in an appropriate science field (chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.) and experience with the operation of a Titan Krios, operation of Leginon data acquisition software as well as high performance computing. The committee will consider applications from candidates having experience with other high end FEI TEMs. How to apply: Go to <> Browse Job Openings and select job 42816 and follow the instructions. Inquiries should be made to Dr. Kenneth Taylor at taylor at <>