Dear James.

What small molecule programs report often looks like:

R1 =  0.1550 for   17413 Fo > 4sig(Fo)  and  0.2058 for all   23715 data
R1(Free) =  0.2208 for   1938 Fo > 4sig(Fo) and  0.2766 for all   2635 data

from a well-known small molecule program being (mis)used to refine a protein. This clearly shows the influence of the weak outer reflections, however if properly weighted they still make a useful contribution to the refinement. Although for historical reasons this quotes I>4sigma(F), it corresponds to I>2sigma(I) and the structure was refined against intensities, not Fs. In the above case, the large gap betwen R1 and R1(free) also suggests that the structure has been a over-refined by using anisotropic temperature factors with too lax restraints. R1 is unweighted and based on Fs, not intensities, but in practice it seems to be a more useful criterion than a weighted or unweighted R2 (i.e. based on intensities).

Best wishes, George

On 10/16/2017 05:02 PM, James Holton wrote:

If you suspect that weak data (such as all the spot-free hkls beyond your anisotropic resoluiton limits) are driving up your Rwork/Rfree, then a good sanity check is to compute "R1". Most macromolecular crystallographers don't know what "R1" is, but it is not only commonplace but required in small-molecule crystallography. All you do is throw out all the weak data, say everything with I/sigma < 2 or 3, and then re-compute your R factors. That is, use something like "sftools" to select only clearly "observed" reflections, and feed that data file back into your refinement program. In fact, refining only against data with I/sigma>3 is the way macromolecular refinement was done up until about 1990. These days, for clarity, you may want to call the resulting Rwork/Rfree as R1work and R1free.

If you do this, and your R1work/R1free are still just as bad as Rwork/Rfree, then weak data are not your problem. You'd be surprised how often this is the case. Next on the list are things like wrong symmetry choice, such as twinning masquerading as a symmetry operator, or disorder, as in large regions of the molecule that are too fluttery to peak above 1 sigma. The list goes on, but doing the weak-data rejection test really helps narrow it down.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 10/16/2017 3:55 AM, wrote:

Dear Michael,

Did you ask Phaser to check for all possible space groups? There are still I422 and I4 you did not mention. If the space group that came out of Phaser is different from the space group used for processing, subsequent refinement programs may use the wrong space group from the processing. This should be easy to check.

The other suggestion I have is to try a different processing program. Although XDS is excellent, I find that sometimes it has difficulties with ice rings, which reveal themselves not in the processing, but in the subsequent refinement. You may want to try Mosflm or some other processing program.



*Von:*CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] *Im Auftrag von *Michael Jarva
*Gesendet:* Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017 03:09
*Betreff:* [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Another troublesome dataset (High Rfree after MR)

To add to the current anisotropic discussion I recently got a dataset I’m unable to refine and I’m hoping I could get some help on figuring out if there’s anything I can do.

I get a clear cut solution with Phaser using the same protein as search model and got a TFZ of >16, LLG >200, and a packing that makes sense, so I don’t doubt the solution. However, the maps look terrible, more like something I would expect from a 3.65Å dataset rather than the 2.65Å it supposedly is.

The dataset merges well in I4122 to 2.65Å with an overall Rmerge of 5% and a CC1/2 of >0.5 in the outer shell (see the bottom for full summary). There is some minor radiation damage but I could cut out most of it due to the high symmetry.

Xtriage reports no indication of twinning, but does say that the data is moderately anisotropic, so I ran the unmerged data through the StarAniso server, which reported the ellipsoidal resolution limits to be 2.304, 2.893, and 3.039. Refining with the anisotropically truncated data improves the maps somewhat, but I am still unable to get the Rfree below 38%. I tried using both phenix.refine and buster with similar results.

I’ve considered the choice of space group and tried I41, F222, I212121 , and C2, but with the same results, and Zanuda tells me the same thing.

Lastly, there is some minor ice rings, so my last try was to exclud the ice ring resolutions, but this made little to no difference.

Normally I would just write this off as the data being bad but this time all the statistics tell me this should be doable so I’m curious what has gone wrong.


Michael Jarva

Summary data for        Project: XDSproject Crystal: XDScrystal Dataset: 
Overall InnerShell OuterShell
Low resolution limit                       34.87     34.87      2.78
High resolution limit                       2.65      8.79      2.65
Rmerge (within I+/I-) 0.052 0.026 1.595
Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.057     0.030     1.805
Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.062     0.031     1.924
Rmeas (all I+&  I-)                        0.063     0.033     1.993
Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.032     0.017     1.042
Rpim (all I+&  I-)                         0.025     0.014     0.817
Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.030        -         -
Total number of observations               19931       566      2681
Total number unique                         3597       114       471
Mean((I)/sd(I))                             11.3      42.3       0.8
Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)         0.999     0.999     0.575
Completeness                                97.9      93.1      99.6
Multiplicity                                 5.5       5.0       5.7
Anomalous completeness 92.4 92.1 96.8
Anomalous multiplicity                       3.0       3.0       3.0
DelAnom correlation between half-sets      0.176     0.258     0.051
Mid-Slope of Anom Normal Probability       1.078       -         -
Average unit cell:   82.39   82.39   69.73   90.00   90.00   90.00

Space group: I 41 2 2
Average mosaicity:   0.10

Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-33021 or +49-5594-227312

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