The June 15th deadline for applications to the CSHL X-ray Methods in Structural Biology Course to be held later this year, October 16 through October 31, 2017 is rapidly approaching.
The official course announcement is here: so please pass this on to folks who might be interested and who would benefit. This immersive course is an outstanding place to learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of Macromolecular Crystallography because of the extensive lectures from world-renowned teachers a continuous nd the hands-on experiments. This 2017 course is the 30th year that this course has been taught at CSHL with an All-Star cast of instructors. Along with the return of the long-time instruction team of Alex McPherson, Gary Gilliland, Bill Furey and myself, we have established additional roles for Tassos Perrakis (NKI), Paul Adams (LBL), Janet Newman (CSIRO), supplemented by many, many others (see the course flyer linked above for more name dropping) to help us give the participants an experience in Macromolecular Crystallography learning that cannot be found anywhere else. (The student:teacher ratio ends up to be about 1:1). We expect to have the participants crystallize several proteins and determine their structures all in about two weeks. Students may also work on their own projects, but not exclusively. They will also become well-versed in the theory of X-diffraction and crystal structure determination while having lots of fun, but not much sleep. We may even be using 2 different synchrotrons this year for the first time along with in-house diffraction data collection. The course is limited to 16 participants due to the very hands-on nature of the experiments and the intimate seminar room and laboratory settings. Please check the above web link for more details. In particular, please note the information about fellowships, scholarships, and stipends that are available. This course is supported with funds provided by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for which we are grateful. Also there are stipends available from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to help offset the cost of tuition. (Did I say free money? You bet I did, but not for everyone.) If anyone has any questions, please send me e-mail, I will be happy to answer all queries. Thanks for spreading the word, Jim