Dear all, I want to CALL CCPFYP in my fortran script, but after compile, the binary file can not be run (macOS Sierra Version 10.12.4). E.G. 1. <test.f>: PROGRAM example_MTZ CALL CCPFYP stop end 2. gfortran-5 -O2 -o test test.f -L${CLIB} -lccp4f -lccp4c -lmmdb2 -lstdc++ -lgcc_s.10.5 -lSystem -lm 3. ./test Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error: #0 0x104287502 #1 0x104286820 #2 0x7fffbcb9bb39 #3 0x103dc5aca #4 0x103da9aa2 #5 0x10588d506 #6 0x103d91f40 Segmentation fault: 11 I try gfortran-4/5 to compile this script,but error information is the same. But the script can complie and run successfully in linux system, such as ubuntu and centos. and if I use ifort to compile the script in macOS, everything seems ok. Dose anyone can help me solve this problem? Thanks for your time. -- Wei Ding P.O.Box 603 The Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing,China 100190 Tel: +86-10-82649083 E-mail: