
Won’t the spatial resolution of the electron density map be determined more or 
less by the “resolution” (d-spacing)?  While the normal electron density 
includes model contribution, what about the resolution of the Patterson map?  
For the case of powder diffraction, after the lines are resolved, won’t the 
spatial resolution of the Fourier synthesis still depend on the d-spacing 
resolution limit?  I don’t see much difference of the resolution used in 
crystallography from those used in other fields.



From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Ian Tickle
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 9:02 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [ccp4bb] B-factors/Occupancies Versus "Local Resolution"

Hi Jacob
I'm a bit puzzled that you say that what you call 'local resolution' is used 
'to model disordered regions' in cryo-EM.  AFAIK it does no such thing: 
resolution is certainly used as a _metric_ of the EM map quality but it's not 
used for modelling.  High resolution EM maps (which I assume is what we are 
talking about) are modelled in exactly the same way as X-ray maps, i.e. using 
an atomic model with co-ordinates, occupancies and B factors.  Also I don't 
understand what you are saying about the insect wings: if they are blurred how 
can you 'see the wings' the same as you would stationary wings?, i.e. how can 
they have the same resolution as stationary wings, unless of course you change 
the experiment and stop the motion somehow (e.g. by using high-speed 
photography, but then note that greatly reducing the exposure time per image 
will also reduce the signal/noise ratio).

Blurring (aka thermal motion or disorder) means 'loss of resolution', since if 
objects are moving or disordered the distance at which they can be 
distinguished as separate will clearly increase.  So places in an electron 
density or EM map where atoms have moved over the exposure time of the 
experiment or are disordered (positioned differently in different unit cells or 
particles used in the averaging) will vary in resolution.  This suggests that 
it might indeed be useful to analyse the variation of resolution in ED maps as 
is done in EM maps.

I think part of the problem is that there's a good deal of confusion amongst MX 
practitioners in particular over the meaning of 'resolution'.  The OED at least 
is very clear what it means: 'The smallest interval measurable by a telescope 
or other scientific instrument; the resolving power.'.  This is precisely what 
it means in the overwhelming majority of scientific disciplines that make use 
of imaging (astronomy, EM, seisomology etc), and is also the definition you 
will find in all textbooks on optics and imaging in general.

However macromolecular crystallography seems to be the one exception, where for 
example the descriptor 'resolution' in the MX literature is frequently ascribed 
to individal X-ray reflexions when what is meant is 'd-spacing' (or something 
directly related to that such as the magnitude of the scattering vector d*).  
This makes absolutely no sense! - resolution is the property of an _image_, 
which in the case of MX means the electron density map (or electric potential 
map in cryo-EM).  This means that X-ray resolution depends on the model as well 
as the data, since the resolution is a property of the ED map, the map depends 
on the amplitudes and phases, the amplitudes depend on the data and the phases 
depend on the model.  The situation is of course different in cryo-EM where the 
map is obtained directly from the data (which effectively contains both 
amplitude and phase information), so unlike the situation with X-ray maps, EM 
resolution has no dependence on the model.

If resolution means anything in an X-ray diffraction pattern, it means the 
minimum distance on the detector between adjacent spots at which the spots are 
seen as separate, i.e. no spot overlap.  This is in fact precisely the 
(correct) meaning that is routinely used in powder diffraction 
(http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/solution/resolution_powder_diffraction.html), i.e. the 
minimum separation of lines in the pattern that can be distinguished; it has 
nothing whatever to do with the minimum d-spacing of the lines in the pattern.  
There's really no good reason for MX to be so out of line with all other 
imaging techniques in this regard!

Note that the accepted definition implies that resolution may be a function of 
position, so there is no reason in general to believe that it will have the 
same value everywhere even in a single image, so we should not make that 
assumption either explicitly or implicitly.  The single-valued 'resolution 
limit' (minimum d-spacing), derived from the data immediately after processing 
and which is always quoted in the literature, is only an estimate of the 
average resolution, much like the R factor is an estimate of the average 
overall agreement between the data and the model, which tells you nothing about 
the magnitude of departures from the average.  You need to look at the local 
metrics of agreement between the model and the electron density to get the full 
picture of the variation: similarly you need to look at the map to get the full 
picture of the variation of resolution.  You can of course go to a multi-valued 
resolution limit, e.g. 6 parameters to describe it with an ellipsoid, or many 
parameters to describe it in terms of a fully general anisotropic surface.  
However this still does not address the fundamental problem that the resolution 
is a property of an image (map) which can vary with position in that image.
Just my 2p's worth!
-- Ian

On 6 March 2017 at 19:54, Keller, Jacob 
<kell...@janelia.hhmi.org<mailto:kell...@janelia.hhmi.org>> wrote:
Dear Crystallographers (and cryo-EM practitioners,)

I do not understand why there is a discrepancy between what crystallographers 
use to models disordered regions (b-factors/occupancies) and what the cryo-EM 
world uses (“local resolution.”) I am tempted to say that “local resolution” is 
a misnomer, since I have been trained to think of resolution as a simple 
optical or physical characteristic of the experiment, and things that are 
blurry can in fact be “resolved” while disordered—one might think of the 
blurred wings of an insect in a long-exposure photograph, in which the 
resolution is of course ample to see the wings—but is there a good reason why 
the two different terms/concepts are used in the different fields? Could 
crystallographers learn from or appropriate the concept of local resolution to 
good benefit, or perhaps vice versa? Anyway, if there is a good reason for the 
discrepancy, fine, but otherwise, having these different measures prevents 
straightforward comparisons which would otherwise be helpful.

All the best,

Jacob Keller

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