Well - first
Solvent content..

1) there could be 4 molecules, or 3, or 2.. Solvent content varies a lot as
you know. Is there reasonable density for parts of all the chains?

2) Does the MR search clearly show 4 molecules? ie improvement in scores
with extra molecules?

3) Have you checked for sensible NC symmetry - submit your model to the
PISA server and see if it suggests a teramer, or 4 fold symmetry or maybe 2
PISA will also suggest buried surface area of each chain - maybe parts of
the C & D chains have nothing to fix them in place

On 26 January 2017 at 14:11, Pooja Kesari <pkesar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We have a 2.6 A structure showing four chains in an asymmetric unit. Our
> protein is 360 residues around 40 kDa . Mattews shows four chain in an
> assymetric unit (solvent 49% mattews coeff 2.44). The template has about
> 60% homologous with our protein. The molecular replacement against this
> template gave an initial free R of 38.  We did chain tracing and found that
> we have good density (2Fo-Fc) for chain A and B but poor density for C and
> D.
> 1. The density for a particular stretch of 10 amino acids (disordered loop
> region) is absent in all the chains. We could not found density for this
> flexible loop region in any of the already known structures. Any suggestion
> on how can we build this region?
> 2. We did not find density for most of the loop regions in chain C and D
> which were well traced in chain A and B. How can we improving the density
> for these two chains based on chain A and B (Density modification)?
> 3. We analysed the data using phenix xtriage and found that our data shows
> severe anisotropy. Any suggestion of anisotropy correction?
> Pointless and Ctruncate analyses didn't show twinning or NCS.  I have
> checked the space group using Zanuda. We are stuck at a free value of 32.
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Eleanor Dodson <eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk
> > wrote:
>> This is a bit too vague to help much.
>> How did you solve the structure?
>> Eleanor
>> On 26 January 2017 at 03:50, Pooja Kesari <pkesar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Thank you all for reply.
>>> We have checked the data for twinning.
>>> Our protein is 360 residues around 40 kDa protein.
>>> We have tried TLS refinement.
>>> chain A and B don't superimpose well with chain C and D. (A and B chains
>>> also share slight difference )
>>> Since we don't have proper density for *some regions*  chain C and D,
>>> we are not sure whether these chain have similar or different
>>> conformations.
>>> We tried anisotropy correction and the model refined a bit.
>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Debanu <debanu....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Pooja,
>>>> Are you positive you have the correct space group and there are no
>>>> other issues like twinning, etc?
>>>> If sure, did you define NCS groups in refinement? TLS refinement? Try
>>>> different refinement programs?
>>>> How big is the molecule? Was it solved by MR or experimental phasing?
>>>> You can try superimposing A/B on C/D and refinement with tight NCS then
>>>> adjust NCS restraints during model adjustments based on local differences
>>>> or also see if phenix autobuild helps.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Debanu
>>>> --
>>>> Debanu Das
>>>> Accelero Biostructures
>>>> On Jan 24, 2017, at 8:42 PM, Pooja Kesari <pkesar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> I have a 2.6 A resolution structure having four chains in an asymmetric
>>>> unit.
>>>> The chain A and B have density for almost all residues however we don't
>>>> have proper residue density in chain C and D.What can be tried to build
>>>> chain C and D ?
>>>> Many Thanks
>>>> Pooja
>>> --
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> Pooja Kesari
>>> Research Scholar
>>> Department Of Biotechnology
>>> Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Pooja Kesari
> Research Scholar
> Department Of Biotechnology
> Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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