Hi All,

I have a protein which contains 72 amino acids. The crystal of this protein
diffracts to 2.5A with SG P31 (CELL Dimension 65.9590 65.9590 164.3900
90.0000 90.0000 120.0000). Pointless indicates no twinning.

Mathew coefficient as below:

For estimated molecular weight 7919.

Nmol/asym  Matthews Coeff  %solvent       P(2.49)     P(tot)


  1        26.07            95.29         0.00         0.00

  2        13.04            90.57         0.00         0.00

  3         8.69            85.86         0.00         0.00

  4         6.52            81.14         0.00         0.00

  5         5.21            76.43         0.00         0.00

  6         4.35            71.71         0.00         0.01

  7         3.72            67.00         0.02         0.02

  8         3.26            62.28         0.05         0.05

  9         2.90            57.57         0.11         0.11

 10         2.61            52.85         0.19         0.19

 11         2.37            48.14         0.25         0.25

 12         2.17            43.42         0.22         0.22

 13         2.01            38.71         0.11         0.12

 14         1.86            33.99         0.03         0.03

 15         1.74            29.28         0.00         0.00

 16         1.63            24.56         0.00         0.00

 17         1.53            19.85         0.00         0.00

 18         1.45            15.13         0.00         0.00

 19         1.37            10.42         0.00         0.00

 20         1.30             5.70         0.00         0.00

 21         1.24             0.99         0.00         0.00


I have at least 10 structures in PDB with homology 60% or above.

I tried the CCP4online MrBump and Balbes for automatic molecular
replacement. No solutions at all.

I do not know if this is because that the high number of copies in ASU
(maybe 10 copies as shown by Mathew coefficient) hamper the MrBump and
Balbes to do MR?

Dose anyone experience similar difficulties with high number of copies to
do automatic MR?

Thanks ahead!

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