Hi Liuqing,

As Eleanor suggested, if your structure is expected to contain alpha
helices, you might
want to give ARCIMBOLDO_LITE a try, as your resolution is still within the
scope of the method.
In case you have any suspicion of the fold that might be and it contains
beta sheets,
you can try ARCIMBOLDO_BORGES with our precomputed libraries.

Good luck,


2016-10-26 15:53 GMT+02:00 SUBSCRIBE CCP4BB Liuqing Chen <519198...@163.com>

> Hello!
> I have a crystal diffracted to 2Å, and have no homology structure.  As, i
> can't repeat the crystallization, so i try using Balbe and MorDa program,
> the MorDa give a partial model with Q socre 0.46,  Rwork/Rfree 0.50/0.51.
> it's hard to rebuilt using coot, and when i use Buccaner  or Arp/warp, it's
> built model worse.
> I don't know what to do?
> can anyone give me some suggestions?
> Thanks
> Liuqing Chen

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