Can you push the resolution higher?
Is there any anomalous signal?

Maybe you could try Archimoldo to look for helical fragments?
BUT these approaches work better the higher the resolution data...

Speaking as one who has failed many times with sort of problem!
Good luck Eleanor

On 26 October 2016 at 14:53, SUBSCRIBE CCP4BB Liuqing Chen <> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a crystal diffracted to 2Å, and have no homology structure.  As, i
> can't repeat the crystallization, so i try using Balbe and MorDa program,
> the MorDa give a partial model with Q socre 0.46,  Rwork/Rfree 0.50/0.51.
> it's hard to rebuilt using coot, and when i use Buccaner  or Arp/warp, it's
> built model worse.
> I don't know what to do?
> can anyone give me some suggestions?
> Thanks
> Liuqing Chen

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