Dear CCP4 community,

A four year postdoctoral fellowship is available in my laboratory at the 
University of Exeter to work on the biosynthesis of the Coxiella burnetii 
O-antigen, as part of a wider consortium aiming to develop a vaccine against 
this pathogen. The position will mostly involve biochemical determination of 
the biosynthetic pathway, with the possibility of structural characterisation 
of particularly interesting enzymes that form part of this pathway.

Full details of the position are available at or
 I am very happy to answer queries about this position.

The application deadline is 30th June.


Nicholas Harmer

Dr. Nicholas Harmer
Senior Lecturer in Structural Biochemistry
University of Exeter
Henry Wellcome Building for Biocatalysis
Stocker Road
Exeter EX4 4QD
Tel: 01392 723105

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