Hi Bernhard, We've been thinking along the same lines over here (but then our approach was far more "Sci Fi" like than yours, that is truly applicable in a real laboratory environment): we were devising ways here to crystallise in space, in black holes. Too bad, you beat us at it. Congratulations, really, well deserved. I foresee a trip to Stockholm for you in the future.
Anyway now that we have been scooped, we won't be able to publish our preliminary results (carried out at CERN): the method indeed works. However, crystal growth slows down when approaching the "center" of the black hole (this is what our preliminary experiments at CERN have shown), and our mathematical modelling indicates that all the macromolecule will have aggregated together to form a single "perfect" crystal when gravity is infinite (but then time has stopped and we were trying to find innovative ways to solve this time barrier of eternity). Strangely enough, modelling has also shown that in the case of crystallisation in plates, all the drops would be able to cross the adhesive tape to gather into one giant droplet, in which a single perfect giant crystal would appear. These crystals would be of sufficient volume even for the latest pocket-sized neutron sources. But then, again, too bad: you beat us at it. Fred. -----Original Message----- From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Frank von Delft Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 7:36 AM To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] New crystallization technique Sounds awesome. How do you get the crystals out again? On 01/04/2016 03:33, Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.) wrote: > Hi Fellows, > > after quite some tinkering we finally got an exciting new > crystallization technique to work that has produced exciting results > in the few cases tested so far. > > I attach the first page of the paper. The theory is somewhat involved > (supplemental material) but the complete letter is available from > http://www.hofkristallamt.org/Rupp_2016_Phys_Rev_Letters_116(13)_Hyper > gravit > y.pdf > > > Best regards, BR > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Bernhard Rupp > 001 (925) 209-7429 > +43 (676) 571-0536 > b...@ruppweb.org > http://www.ruppweb.org/ > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Physicist are there to find the laws of nature. > Engineers are there to work around them. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ----- Upozornění: Není-li v této zprávě výslovně uvedeno jinak, má tato E-mailová zpráva nebo její přílohy pouze informativní charakter. Tato zpráva ani její přílohy v žádném ohledu Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. k ničemu nezavazují. Text této zprávy nebo jejích příloh není návrhem na uzavření smlouvy, ani přijetím případného návrhu na uzavření smlouvy, ani jiným právním jednáním směřujícím k uzavření jakékoliv smlouvy a nezakládá předsmluvní odpovědnost Biotechnologického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i. Disclaimer: If not expressly stated otherwise, this e-mail message (including any attached files) is intended purely for informational purposes and does not represent a binding agreement on the part of Institute of Biotechnology CAS. The text of this message and its attachments cannot be considered as a proposal to conclude a contract, nor the acceptance of a proposal to conclude a contract, nor any other legal act leading to concluding any contract; nor does it create any pre-contractual liability on the part of Institute of Biotechnology CAS