You could try adding TEV to your protein just prior to crystallisation. I 
produced 2 equivalent structures this way; one with the  tag clearly visible 
packing between molecules in an I centred space group and a 2nd (with TEV 
added) in P21 where the tag was no longer visible (the packing suggested it 
would not be accommodated and therefore cleaved). I don’t think many people try 
detagging their protein in conditions as extreme as those in a crystallisation 
trial but in the end that’s where the protein needs to be happy. Yes, there are 
lots of caveats with this technique, not least sub optimal cleavage conditions, 
but it’s a very simple experiment to do.


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Giulliana 
Sent: 02 May 2015 18:57
Subject: [ccp4bb] Tev cleavage

Dear all,

I'd like some help about my protein cause I've a lot of problems in cleavage 
moment. In this step after aproximadately 30 minutes (37C) occur precipitation 
almost 50% .
I tried control it:
- Protein diluition (no results)
- Cleavage 4C ( no cleavage)
-Modifying buffers: add 10% glycerol and 5% glucose (no crystallization)
- Add salt (1M - no results)
- Add serial tev (500ul in the first time and more 500ul in second time- 37C) 
total precipitation
- Crystallization with 7 histag ( poor crystallization, no diffraction)

Now I need to produce this protein with semet that became the protein more 
hidrofobic, probably.

So, If anyone could help me...

Thanks in advance

Giulliana Rangel


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