Dear all,
I would like to draw your attention to two postdoctoral Vacancy Notices in the research group of Dr. Matthias Wilmanns at the EMBL Hamburg Unit:

*Vacancy Notice: HH_00065*
Postdoctoral Fellowship on Structure of Signaling segments in Muscle Filament Proteins

Project Outline: Many large muscle filament proteins have extended segments of signaling and kinase domains. In an interdisciplinary approach with proteomics and cell biology collaborators, we wish to investigate the functions of these domains in vitro and an in vivo. We use combined structural biology approaches, with X-ray crystallography being the core method, to characterize
their mechanism of action.

**Vacancy Notice : HH_00067*
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Structural and functional relations of the Von Willebond Factor.

Project Outline: The Von Willebrand Factor comprises a large multi-domain protein assembly and has crucial roles in blood coagulation. Its function is regulated by shear forces. In collaboration with clinicians, biologists and physicists we are interested in the overall structure of this protein and its domains by hybrid structural biology approaches.

best regards

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