Instruct Instruct Instruct Announcement Instruct 6th June 2014
Dear All Instruct provides access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology to support research in structural biology. Our aim is to encourage and facilitate the integrative use of technologies and methodologies that are available at our 15 Instruct Centres around Europe and in Israel.The Instruct Internship Programme funds research visits of 3-6 months duration to Instruct Centres. The aim is to facilitate valuable collaborations with Instruct research groups applying techniques that are not available in the applicant's laboratory. Applications should specifically focus on the benefit to the applicant's research. * Internships cover travel plus subsistence of the intern only and not of dependents. * Applications should be pre-doctoral scientists Instruct (PhD students) and early Upcoming Events stage postdoctoral fellows. * Internships are awarded for exchanges between 8th June laboratories in different countries. Residential School * Proposals must have the on Medicinal approval of the hosting Chemistry and Institution or Department. Biology in Drug * Internships from the 2014 Discovery (ResMed) fund should be taken within the period 1 September 2014 11th June to 31 July 2015. * The home laboratory Structural Modeling (applicant's usual for Large workplace) must be within Macromolecular an Instruct Member country. Complexes * On completion of the internship applicants must 16th June return to their home laboratory. Fifth Workshop on Neutron Scattering The second Instruct call for Applications in Research and Development pilot Structural Biology projects is now open Instruct A maximum of €20,000 per project will be awarded to support a limited number of pilot studies proposed by researchers from Instruct member countries (BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR, IL, IT, NL, PT, SE, UK). Projects should propose basic or applied research which is preliminary in nature. The intent of this support is to help researchers develop external funding for projects, i.e. the expectation is that a pilot study will lead to a full grant submission. The funds are expected to cover research expenses but not normally salaries. To apply go to The deadline for both applications is 5pm CET 11^th July 2014. The Instruct Operations Team Dr Claudia Alen Amaro Scientific Project Manager Instruct: An Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive, Headington OX3 7BN, UK Tel: +44 1865 287808 email: Follow us on twitter @instructhub