Dear Theresa,,
I would not advice to use thermofluor with membrane proteins as thefluorescent 
dye used in the assay binds to exposed hydrophobic patches of unfolding 
proteins. Therefore the presence of detergents would cause much unwanted 
fluorescence which would likely swamp your signal of interest. However, I have 
never personally tried it with a membrane protein ....
From: Theresa Hsu []
Sent: 12 April 2014 09:38
To: ccp4bb
Subject: [ccp4bb] Thermofluor assay

Dear all

Does anyone has experience with Thermofluor assay to find the substrate 
transported/binding by a membrane protein? My protein does not have any similar 
structures and the substrate suggested by sequence analysis is not being 
transported in proteoliposome. I know ITC is good but I am looking for a more 
high-throughput way.

Thank you.


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