Dear all, registration is now open for the international meeting on “Current Challenges in Integrated Structural Biology” at the Centre for Integrative Biology at the IGBMC.
19/20 June 2014, Strasbourg, France (right before the 3D-EM Gordon conference for those travelling to Europe). See for registration and a detailed description of the meeting. Application deadline is May 25th 2014, registration is limited to about 100 people and will be processed on a first-comes-first basis. Best regards, Bruno Klaholz ########################################################################### Bruno P. Klaholz Centre for Integrative Biology Department of Integrated Structural Biology Institute of Genetics and of Molecular and Cellular Biology IGBMC - UMR 7104 - U 964 1, rue Laurent Fries BP 10142 67404 ILLKIRCH CEDEX FRANCE